Witnessing Revolution #190
You are in the 190th Witness Revolution diary, bearing witness to pro-democracy movements in North Africa, the Middle East and beyond. We aim here to simply report, from as many reliable worldwide...
View ArticleWhat if we held a protest and...updated with video
Dennis Kucinich showed up?Oh yeah, that really happened.Our action against Chase bank yesterday was a huge success. Not only did Rep. Kucinich join us, but the Seattle teachers who organized this...
View ArticleFrom WI to WA: How Can We Stop the War on Workers?
Time Thursday, May 26 · 7:00pm - 10:00pmLocation King County Labor Temple 2800 1st Ave Seattle, WAThe corporate elite and politicians have decided that workers, students, and the poor will pay...
View ArticleWitnessing Revolution #193
You are in the 193rd Witness Revolution diary, bearing witness to pro-democracy movements in North Africa, the Middle East and beyond. We aim here to simply report, from as many reliable worldwide...
View ArticleAnti-Capitalist Meetup-A Woman’s Place
A woman's place is her own home, and not her husband's countinghouse. The New Sporting Magazine, Volume 3 – 1832This is the beginning of what I hope to be a series of diaries about women who have...
View ArticleWitnessing Revolution #197
You are in the 197th Witness Revolution diary, bearing witness to pro-democracy movements in North Africa, the Middle East and beyond. We aim here to simply report, from as many reliable worldwide...
View ArticleWitnessing Revolution #199
You are in the 199th Witness Revolution diary, bearing witness to pro-democracy movements in North Africa, the Middle East and beyond. We aim here to simply report, from as many reliable worldwide...
View ArticleSlutWalk Seattle June 19th
Why are we doing this? Because we’ve had enough!On January 24th, 2011, a Toronto police officer gave some advice that is all too common: “Women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be...
View ArticleWitnessing Revolution #202
You are in the 202nd Witness Revolution diary, bearing witness to pro-democracy movements in North Africa, the Middle East and beyond. We aim here to simply report, from as many reliable worldwide...
View ArticleWitnessing Revolution #203
You are in the 203rd Witness Revolution diary, bearing witness to pro-democracy movements in North Africa, the Middle East and beyond. We aim here to simply report, from as many reliable worldwide...
View ArticleWitnessing Revolution #204
You are in the 204th Witness Revolution diary, bearing witness to pro-democracy movements in North Africa, the Middle East and beyond. We aim here to simply report, from as many reliable worldwide...
View ArticleSlutWalk Seattle - after we walk...
The SlutWalk Seattle was last Sunday, and I think it was fantastic success. People from all walks of life came out to show their support for the idea that we have to beat back the rape culture and...
View ArticleWitnessing Revolution #211
You are in the 211th Witness Revolution diary, bearing witness to pro-democracy movements in North Africa, the Middle East and beyond. We aim here to simply report, from as many reliable worldwide...
View ArticleChase Bank - Racist Jerks
It has recently come to light that a man in Auburn WA was arrested for trying to cash a Chase Bank cashier's check at a Chase Bank. Well, why would they do that you might ask? Once you read the...
View ArticleWitnessing Revolution #212
You are in the 212th Witness Revolution diary, bearing witness to pro-democracy movements in North Africa, the Middle East and beyond. We aim here to simply report, from as many reliable worldwide...
View ArticleWitnessing Revolution #214
You are in the 214th Witness Revolution diary, bearing witness to pro-democracy movements in North Africa, the Middle East and beyond. We aim here to simply report, from as many reliable worldwide...
View ArticleCivil Liberties under Obama
On July 2nd, I attended a session given by Glenn Greenwald at the Socialism 2011 conference in Chicago. He began the speech by discussing the fact that even a year ago if he had attempted to give a...
View ArticleWitnessing Revolution #217
You are in the 217th Witness Revolution diary, bearing witness to pro-democracy movements in North Africa, the Middle East and beyond. We aim here to simply report, from as many reliable worldwide...
View ArticleA Space of Our Own: A Woman's Perspective: Friend or Foe?
This is a series of ongoing women’s consciousness raising sessions.This is how it works: We are inviting women from diverse cultures, races, sexual orientation, and all who self-identify as women,...
View ArticleWitnessing Revolution #222
You are in the 222th Witness Revolution diary, bearing witness to pro-democracy movements in North Africa, the Middle East and beyond. We aim here to simply report, from as many reliable worldwide...
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